About the Princess

Wife, teacher, mom to a Golden Retriever – all that and more, is who I am.  It’s been a long, strange journey to get to where I am today, and some days I’m not sure how I’ve survived this long.

It’s all part of the ever changing world of the Princess.

4 Responses to About the Princess

  1. Kristi says:

    Good morning, Miss Suzie! I’m sorry if my reply to your comment was short yesterday. I have a ‘troll’ that posted a HORRIBLE comment on my blog and on my FB page! He basically said I didn’t deserve another chance because after 3 divorces, I must be a loser, blah blah blah! This fucking bipolar makes me personalize things so much and then ruminate over them and it really bothered me! I have the asshole blocked on FB but I can’t block him on WP…all I can do is stop him from following me but he’s still going to be able to see my posts and comment!! I’m so happy I found you…everytime I read a response from you I smile and your posts ALWAYS make me smile as well!! If you ever want to e-mail me to chitchat it’s artsyk66@gmail.com ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, Miss Sunshine! I’m pretty hard to offend so never worry – I’m pretty easy going so it basically scares the shit out of people when they see the other side of me. Message me the guy’s name, I’ll watch for any comments and take his ass out for you. I’m so glad we found each other! I am taxprincess@aol.com – shoot me a message anytime, I love hearing your stories and learning more from you! ❤


  2. Kristi says:

    Thank you for making me laugh and he actually wrote a blog post about me today! It’s like kennywhines or something like that!! I’m totally ignoring him but dammit, I take things to heart so deeply and even 1 son of a bitch can get to me!! 🙂 I’m going to add your e-mail to my contacts!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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