How can you mend a broken hand?

So yesterday, while meandering along on our second walk, I stopped paying attention to my feet and managed to step off the sidewalk, turn my foot weird and fall on my ass.

Or my hand.

And my hip.

A very nice gentleman turned and came back, asking if I was okay. He waited till I got myself together, got up and was moving again. We walked another mile, came home, got some ice on the hand, then a good long soak in the tub. All was good.

There are still good people in the world

My hand is swollen and sore but I’ll survive. Probably an hour of quilting and writing letters for the GA campaign didn’t help. Hey, that quilt isn’t gonna quilt itself. They’re talking about a stupid amount of snow on Wednesday into Thursday so I have an excuse not to shovel (I don’t shovel, Bear plows the driveway and uses the snow blower on the sidewalk. I am a Princess, I do not do shoveling.)

And if we get a crap ton of snow, our neighbors with the huge-ass tractors will come up and get us cleared out.

Because……..there are still good people in the world.

Also? Pay attention to where your feet are when you walk so you don’t fall on your ass in public. You might break it – you know it’s already got a crack.

(that’s one of my sister’s favorite jokes. She comes off as uppity but when you really know her….well, she has her moments. (Think Grace and Frankie, she’s totally Grace and I’m totally Frankie))

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10 Responses to How can you mend a broken hand?

  1. Bitey Dog says:

    Oh no! My neighbor took a fall like that two weeks ago and broke her wrist. I hope you are no more than a little sore and a tad embarrassed!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I must have twisted my body on my way down because I landed on my left side and it’s my right hand. I’m sure it’s not broken – it’s been 24 hours and I can use it with little pain. My dignity has been so bruised over the years, there’s little left of it!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bitey Dog says:

        My dog Geordie wrapped his leash around me on ice, then decided to chase a police car. I went down hard and got bruises and cuts through many thick layers of clothing. The police officers kindly laughed as they drove by. Nope. No dignity left.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Maverick’s list of injuries to Mommah is long and sad. He took me to the ground when I had the leash wrapped around my hand, resulting in a sprain and a very swollen and lovely hand. Yes, the same hand I just “broke.”


  2. A dear friend of mine recently fractured her wrist with a fall while she was pulling her two granddaughters in a wagon! Must be something in the air! We have the same forecast for snow here – I think it would be such good physical activity to shovel myself out, but I can easily manage letting the snow on my car melt off in sunshine (it is parked to get afternoon sun). Please don’t overdo it until your hand heals – you’d be surprised, however, how much you can learn to do with your non-dominant one, so that’s a good thing! Just take it easy!


  3. Yikes! This is no time for injuries! Protect your ass! Wait a minute, that could have been better phrased.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hope you recover quickly.


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